Available F2 Savannah Cats For Sale
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Range Between
$6,000 - $10,000
F2 Savannah kittens
The main difference between an F1 Savannah Cat and an F2 Savannah Cat is the amount of wild blood each has. An F1 Savannah Cat has one serval parent, while an F2 Savannah Cat has at least one african serval grandparent. As a result, F1 Savannah Cats are larger and have more wild characteristics, such as larger ears and a spotted coat pattern. We currently have F2 Savannah kittens available.
All our F2 Savannah kittens are bred and kept inside our in home cattery. The F2 savannah kitten prices range from $5500 - $10,000 based on exotic aesthetic, size, intelligence, coat, ears and personality. All our kittens are raised with love and bottle fed up to 12 weeks of age. We have a Savannah cat cattery in Los Angeles, California and Miami, Florida.
Our F2 Savannah cat for sale at
12 weeks old
Follow Us On Instagram to see current availability on african Savannah Cats for Sale! Hand delivery to all states & Canada!
Proud Member of TICA
The Savannah cat is the largest of the cat breeds. A Savannah cat is a cross between a domestic cat and a serval, a medium-sized, large-eared wild African cat. The unusual cross became popular among breeders at the end of the 1990s, and in 2001 The International Cat Association (TICA) accepted it as a new registered breed. In May 2012, TICA accepted it as a championship breed.Judee Frank crossbred a male serval, belonging to Suzi Woods, with a Siamese (domestic cat) to produce the first Savannah cat (named Savannah) on April 7, 1986.[4] In 1996, Patrick Kelley and Joyce Sroufe wrote the original version of the Savannah breed standard and presented it to the board of The International Cat Association. In 2001, the board accepted the breed for registration. The Savannah cat can come in different colors and patterns, however, The International Cat Association (TICA) breed standards only accept spotted patterns with certain colors and color combinations.
Nationwide delivery of savannah cats available in Alabama , Alaska , Arizona , Arkansas ,California , colorado, Connecticut ,Delaware ,Florida ,Georgia , Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa , Kansas , Kentucky ,Louisiana, Maine, Maryland,Massachusetts , Michigan , Minnesota , Mississippi , Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah,Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming.
Savannah Cats and Kittens in California.
Savannah Cats and Kittens in Florida.
Bengal kittens florida.
Bengal kittens in california.